(Concept & Development Underway)

A message from Ralf Garrison;
The 2020 Covid Pandemic has been a global disruption and threat to our personal and economic well-being beyond anything I’ve ever experienced or even imagined. And, while the travel industry is among those market segments most dramatically impacted, it’s also becoming increasingly clear that the leisure travel segment - and particularly those rural resort towns who feature an outdoor life-style and inherent sense of health and wellbeing - present something of a perceived safe-haven to more crowded, urban domiciles, and with it an emerging set of unintended and potentially widely disparate consequences.
And while challenges are numerous, the metaphorical glass can also be seen as half full, perhaps with lemonade made by optimists, when others only lemons.
Naturally curious, and well founded, I couldn’t sit on the sidelines and began an initiative that has now become The Insights Collective, with a group of co-founding colleagues and, having now taken a life of its own, formalized itself in early 2022 as a Colorado non-profit corporation.
For more about the founding vision of The Insights Collective visit: www.theinsightscollective.com/.
The experience as a collectivist– has brought with it huge challenges, great opportunities and a further shift in my personal goals and the Advisory Group’s objectives toward that of a social enterprise targeted - as always - on resort communities who are ready and able to shift toward a new paradigm for tourism economics, its related infrastructure and a broader constituency than heretofore.
For me, this is a new road to be travelled, and while I can’t tell you what route is to be taken or what’s to be learned along the way, I am confident that my experience to date and the same tools that I’ve used for myself and others –will guide me well, so I’ll take it a step at a time and am excited to find my way to a future that looks different than the past.
I invite and welcome the company of others with similar interests and objectives; All of us, together, are surely more viable than any of us, individually.
There You Have It!

Social Enterprise:
…..” an organization that applies commercial strategies to make a positive difference for social benefit.
The social impact is funded wholly or partly by reinvesting profits made by the organization to create social capital “